jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Government reassures its compromise with environment conservation

 Government reassures its compromise with environment conservation In the framework of the world day of the environment, the President of the Republic, Laura Chinchilla, expressed once again the commitment her Government has made with the environment.
On 5th of June, during the inauguration of the environmental fair organized by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (Ministry), the President took time to ensure that if there is a country in the world that deserves to celebrate this date in style, it is Costa Rica.
“From early hours, many sectors of the population have reminded us the importance of this day.” “This means that the environmental issue is ingrained and almost inscribed into the DNA of our people”, said President Chinchilla.
Also said that his Administration has committed much of his agenda in environmental issues and that Costa Rica has set a pattern of development where the protection of the environment with economic growth does not compete. With this the ruler made reference to the fact that eco tourism is the clear path that the country should follow.
On the other hand, the President stated that Costa Rica is among the five Nations in the world that more respect the environment and that currently win consistently in forest cover.
“In 2010 reached more than 50 per cent of coverage, which means that we are one of the Nations at the international level who better has honored its commitment to the environmental agenda”, commented the President Chinchilla.
Also said that the efforts made in the field of the energy matrix have managed to achieve that over 90% of energy comes from mostly renewable sources and that our producers are favored not dependent on the vagaries of the oil prices.
“Costa Rica is an example to show you other Nations that it is not necessary to sacrifice economic growth to have the protection of our environmental agenda with great vigor, said the President.
Another of the policies his Administration has been encouraging and that in just two years and “thanks to the collective efforts of many institutions managed to triple the areas special management of our seas that outweigh the protection areas that we reach in our continental shelf”.
At the same time reaffirmed that one of the most beautiful goals that the country has been proposed as a nation is the turn in a country Costa Rica carbon neutral. “Today we set standards that will allow us to move with strictness toward this national goal”.

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