viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Location Costa Developers

Location Map | Costa Developers
Where is Costa Rica? Before we get to that, we want to share a few interesting tidbits about this magically stunning country in the heart of the Americas.
About the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica is one of the most biologically diverse (among the top 20 countries with the highest biodiversity on the planet), breathtakingly beautiful (pristine rainforests, secluded white-sand beaches and awesome active volcanoes seem to have that effect on people) and warmly welcoming countries in the world (tourism is a $2.2 billion per year industry).

Each year over 2 million tourists visit Costa Rica to enjoy and explore the diverse natural beauty of this tropical paradise. 
 In one weekend, you can walk barefoot on secluded unspoiled beaches, hike through the lush virgin rainforests, raft down a challenging Class IV river, tour volcanic mountain ranges and watch the Sun fade away into the majestic Pacific Ocean .

Costa Rica has also become a retirement haven for over 40,000 expats. If you're a business owner, retiree or just someone seeking a change in lifestyle, Costa Rica is alluring for many reasons. The cost of living is lower than in the United States or Canada; a modern, first-rate medical and dental system comparable to the best in the world; it ranks first in the Happy Planet Index and is arguably the "greenest" country in the world.
But where is Costa Rica anyway?
Geographically, it's in Central America bordered on the North by Nicaragua and to the South by Panama.
You might be surprised to learn, that it's only a few hours flight south of the U.S. border and with daily international flights arriving in 2 international airports, there's reason enough for you to start planning your trip here.
When you're down here, we'd love for you to visit one of our sites. We've added some maps below to give you an idea where our projects are located, click on them to see a larger size image
If you haven't been here, you don't know what you're missing; we promise you, that if you do, you'll go back home with beautiful memories of an enchanting country one that you're not soon to forget.

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