sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012


The game Pota-Toss debuts in the web, as an application for iPhone and aspire to surprise the entertaining world including geolocation (GPS) in the formula to have fun.

The game, Pota – Toss created by the Sabor Studio, a company funded by three costarican young people, which is their first product, and is on sale now.
costadevelopers.comThey are an example of how the costarican´s entrepreneurs breakthrough in the international markets, like the digital entertaining.
They aren´t the first ones, but they had made their contribution to innovate. To get the best possible developing process, their company was postulated to be admitted at Dream It, a business incubator company located in New York, and they made it.
The lads were admitted under the condition to give away 6% of their company. In exchange, they received continuous training, and a mentor´s guide. The three months experience  (which begun in May 2012) finalized with a seven minutes presentation in front of a panel of potential investors. In this way, the costarican company Sabor Studio hits the market.
In this game, the main character is called Larry Potato, and is attacked by some kind of potato-zombie’s army. To eliminate them, and avoid to be killed in the attempt, Larry must toss more potatoes.
This is getting better, the game is divided in three stages, and it is multiplayer, allowing users around the world to play together in a real time environment.
It works very easy, if one player is located in Costa Rica, and the other player is located in Tokio, both must pass 3 stages, or levels. First, the costarican´s scenario, second, the Tokio´s scenario, and finally a third scenario where the screen is divided in two, showing Costa Rica and Tokio.
Pota-toss will be available to download for iPhones in the Apple Store for Costa Rica son. Next week, they will release the iPad version as well.  Starting from Sunday October 21th, 2012, the app will be available in Apple Store for U.S. market.

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