jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

Banks in Costa Rica finance green entrepreneurship projects

 Banks in Costa Rica finance green entrepreneurship projects Financing business projects that reduce, control, mitigate or compensate for their emissions is the most recent plan of the National Bank. The credit line is focused on the micro, small and medium-sized Costa Rican businesses.
The opening of this line of credit is due to the interest of enterprises to integrate their operations projects that minimize energy expenditure and reduce the ecological impact.
The financial line aims to encourage businesses that carry out operations related to water management, renewable energy generation, conservation of natural resources to optimize processes and mitigate the impact of productive activity in the environment.
In Costa Rica it is estimated that 98% of the companies corresponds to SMEs. This type of investment offers businesses the opportunity to increase their chances of success in the long term, to define recycling practices and promote participation active officials.
The expectation of placement of BN SME green for the first year is ¢ 2 billion. The origin of the resources is mixed, a percentage of own portfolio and another given by the Bank KFW, German governmental entity of development.
“This program will offer differentiated interest rate conditions, as well as alternatives for partial guarantees in partnership with the Central American Bank for economic integration (CABEI),” explained Fernando Naranjo, general manager of the National Bank.
BN development program initiative joins a series of projects green already different banks implemented among their services, which in addition to reducing carbon footprint, involving customers in this process.
The launch of the program for environmentally friendly investments took place in the framework of the first green SME Forum, involving approximately 500 representatives of this sector.
Since November of the previous year, HSBC implemented a system of green insurance in alliance with the National Insurance Institute. Product gives the client the possibility of obtaining certification through the digital purchase, either contributing $5 for the improvement of national parks.
Banco Popular (Popular Bank) has the line of “green” financing, which also comprises a series of financial products that have the object of promoting enterprise with spirit of compensation of its environmental impact. ¢ 1.4 Billion have been placed so far with the green credit system.
BAC works products Green SMEs and agricultural, which gives credence to the producers of rice and beans that are under the program of fertile land of Hortifruti.
Promote the competitiveness of the Latin American financial sector through improvements in risk management and exploitation in the area of sustainability is the challenge of INCAE through the project entitled Eco-Banking, which is corporate profile, whose purpose is to provide education and information to the financial sector, which has shown great interest is this item, specified Lawrence Pratt, director of the project.

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