lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Costa Rica, the best destination for investment in services in Latin America

Costa Rica is number one destination in Latin America for investment in services and also the thirteenth in the world, according to information from Costa Rican official sources, and global consultancy Tholons.
Costa EsterillosCINDE (Coalition for development initiatives), entity responsible for attracting investment to Costa Rica, said in a press release that this Central American country stood out as the best in the region in the list of the 100 best destinations for outsourced services of Tholons operations, in 2013.

The classification is carried out by specialists in business and reflects the dynamics and development of countries as venues for service companies.

The best destination for investment in services in the world is India, with cities such as Bangalore, Mumbai; followed by Philippines, Ireland, Poland and China.

In the Latin American region the destinations more attractive to this type of investment are Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Argentina.

In accordance with Tholons, Costa Rica showed an improvement of five positions in the index with respect to the 2012 and has established itself as a key player in the industry of corporate services and technologies of information in the Latin American region and in the world.

Consultant firm says good part of the Costa Rican success is due to the strong promotion of the sector of information technology and outsourced corporate services (outsourcing).

Anabel González, Minister of foreign trade, expressed her satisfaction at the "international recognition that this index gives the country in an industry that has become a key piece of the national economy".

For its part, the general director of CINDE, Gabriela Llobet, clarified that the listing of Tholons clearly reflects the great progress that has been Costa Rica as the venue for high value-added service operations.
"Today compete directly with locations very strong industry all over the world such as India, Malaysia, Poland and Ireland," said.

Posted by Costa Developers 

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